The third York Open Short Lawn Tournament was fully subscribed, with 24 entrants coming from all over the country, including the south coast and East Anglia as well as all parts of the north. The York Open remains the only short lawn tournament in the Croquet Association Fixtures Book.
Tina Kelly, 2018 winner, receives the trophy from Debbie James, 2017 winnerThe camaraderie was excellent, strongly aided and abetted by a large Southport contingent and by plentiful supplies of home-made cake.
York shared the cool weather affecting the rest of the country but enjoyed two days without rain, and the high quality York lawns played well. Runner-up Callum Johnson (playing off short lawn scratch) showed trademark mastery of the lawn throughout the weekend; on his second turn in game 6, with only three balls yet on the lawn, he completed a well-managed all-round break plus two peels on partner ball. But it was one of the Southport contingent, tournament newcomer Tina Kelly, who took home the trophy after two days of consistently calm and careful play with excellent bisque management.
Thanks to tournament manager Dave Hudson for organising 24 people smoothly and efficiently through 10 games, and so providing the ideal framework for an enjoyable two days of croquet, and to the many home bakers whose good works made such an important contribution to a successful weekend.
From the Croquet Association website, September 2018